Our Class
The school has one primary class.
The number of students in the class is small so that the teachers and support staff can provide intensive teaching and support. Students can begin school on the first day of the school year as long as they turn 5 before April 30th in that school year.
The preschool – No:ri Class runs from 9am – 2pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Aboriginal children can begin coming to Pre-school as soon as they turn 3. Non-Indigenous students can start Pre-school on the first day of the school year as long as they turn 4 before April 30th of that year.
- Australian Curriculum and Reporting
Raukkan School uses the Australian Curriculum framework for all its programming. We provide two written reports, using plain language that is clear and easy to understand, per year reporting on all learning areas, once in the first half of the year and again at the end of the year. These reports are based on 5 achievement levels, A – E grades or the word equivalents.
At the end of each term classrooms are open so that parents and family can come and have a look at the work their children have done during the term. This is an opportunity for more informal reporting conversations between teachers and parents.
Parents also discuss their child’s progress with teachers during the meeting re their Individual Learning Plans each term.
- Literacy in the Early Years
In 2021 we moved from Jolly Phonics to InitiaLit in our Early Years class. InitiaLit is an evidence-based whole-class literacy program providing all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. InitiaLit is a three-year program, covering the first three years of school (Reception to Year 2).
- Numeracy
Anne Baker Natural Maths
Schools across the Coorong – Mallee Partnership use Anne Baker Natural Maths as the basis of their Numeracy programme.
All teachers participate in numeracy professional development across the year with teachers from across the Partnership.
- Naplan & Testing
More information on this soon!
- One Plan
Individual Learning Plans
All students have their own learning plans. These detail short and long term learning goals and are developed in consultation with the student and their family. Meetings of parents, teachers and students each term celebrate the students’ achievements and set new goals.
Negotiated Education Plans
Students who have been diagnosed as having specific learning needs or disabilities have a negotiated learning plan which sets specific goals. These may include life skills as well as academic goals.