Health and Safety

Medical and Emergency Contact Information

The school gets its medical information about children from the enrolment form and updates this information at the beginning of each school year. If there is any change to your child/ren’s medical conditions or emergency contacts please let us know so that we can update our records.

First Aid and Accidents

All staff have current first aid qualifications. Students must see a teacher if they are hurt or injured in any way. Staff will treat minor injuries. If the injury requires further treatment, we will contact you or, if you are unable to be contacted, your nominated emergency contact person. In the case of serious injuries an ambulance will be called. If a child receives an injury to the head, you will be notified in writing, even if the injury seems minor.

School Dental Service

A new children’s dental benefits schedule for 2 – 17 year olds started in January 2014. It is called the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. The School Dental Service is a Child Dental Benefits Schedule provider and welcomes babies, children and young people under 18 years.

Dental care is FREE for most children and the School Dental Service will bulk-bill Medicare. Children who do not qualify for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule can still attend – a small fee may apply for each course of general dental care provided.
There are no waiting times at the School Dental Service. To keep your children’s teeth and gums healthy we encourage them to attend the School Dental Service.

Our local School Dental Clinic, is at Murray Bridge South School, Dental Clinic
PO Box 1595 (Joyce Street), Murray Bridge SA 5254. Phone 08 853239051

Medication at School

If your child needs to take medication whilst at school, you must discuss this with the Principal. Medication will be kept in a secure place and will be given under adult supervision. Medication must not be left with the child and will not be administered without written parental permission except for asthma puffers

Emergency Procedures

We have emergency procedures to deal with situations that hopefully never arise eg fire, earthquake. Safety around the school and what to do in an emergency is discussed regularly with the children.


Students who are asthmatic need to have an Asthma Care Plan and a Medication Plan from their doctor. Forms are available from the school. Asthmatic students must provide a copy of these forms before they can participate in swimming or aquatic activities.

Infectious Diseases

In the case of some illnesses, students are not permitted to be at school for a certain period of time. Students with the following illnesses should be kept home until the infectious period is past and they have made a full recovery.

Please contact the school if your child has contracted a disease which others may catch.

Some common childhood illnesses and the time needed away from school are:

Disease & Time away from school

Chicken pox
5 days from the start of the rash

Until there is no discharge from the eyes

Foot and Mouth
Until blisters are dry

German Measles
5 days from the start of the rash

Head Lice
Until effective treatment is done

Infectious Hepatitis
Until a medical certificate is given

7 days from the start of the rash

Until effective treatment is done

Until effective treatment is done

Scarlet Fever
Until medical certificate is given

School Sores
Until effective treatment is done

Whooping Cough
4 weeks