Child Parent Centre - No:ri Class
Aboriginal children can start Kindy at the age of three.
Kindy times are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 – 2:00pm.
We offer Occasional Care for all children from 1 year old until they start Kindy. Occasional care hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9.00 – 12.00

Early Years at School
Same First Day
From 2014 children will only be able to start school at the beginning of the year if their birthday is before April 30th. If they turn 5 after that date they will stay at Kindy for the rest of the year and begin on day one in the following year. This is a state wide policy not one decided by Raukkan School.
When your child starts at school you may wish to negotiate with your child’s teacher for them to come home early if they are finding a whole day too much.
When your child is enrolled at school you will be asked to fill in several forms including an enrolment form (which includes medical information and emergency contacts), a local excursion consent form and an Internet Use Agreement Form. You will then be given an appointment time with the principal to discuss your child’s learning needs and how we can work together to best support the child.
Your child will usually begin school the day after this meeting interview with the parent.
When a child transfers out of Raukkan to another school, their school records are sent to the new school.