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Welcome to Raukkan Aboriginal School

Welcome to the Raukkan Aboriginal School website. We have recently updated our website to showcase what is presently happening in our school. Have a look at the photos in the Gallery!

Raukkan Aboriginal School is situated on the shores of Lake Alexandrina on the traditional lands of the Ngarrindjeri. It provides a safe and secure environment for students to enjoy their learning. Although we are a small school, with only 16 students, we provide excellent teaching with a firm focus on Literacy and Numeracy. Our students participate in Naplan, PAT Reading and PAT Math testing, which along with our internal assessment, guides our planning and programming.

The school works closely with the Community and Elders come into the school to support cultural activities. Each year we attend the Adelaide Festival to provide students with experience of the Arts and the city. And at the end of the year we have the traditional end-of-year concert.

Students attend Meningie Area School for Upper Primary and Secondary schooling. A transition programme starts from Reception and students visit a Buddy Class each fortnight. To support the building of social friendships our students have recess and lunch at Meningie Area School during their transition visit.

We aim to ensure all our students have the skills, knowledge and resilience to have the capacity to be responsible and productive future citizens.

Ceri Price
Raukkan Aboriginal School

Telephone: 08 8574 0042
Email: ceri.price455@schools.sa.edu.au

School Mission Statement

We are committed to providing quality teaching and learning in a culturally safe and supportive learning environment.

School Vision Statement

To develop respectful, resilient and responsible learners in a culturally appropriate manner

School Values


We declare that at Raukkan School:

We are all important
and this means
we respect each other.

We know what is right and what is wrong
and this means
that we have a choice about how we treat people.

We believe that we share a bond like a family
and this means
that we are kind and caring and we stick together.

School Dates and Times

Term Dates 2025

Term 1

Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April

Term 2

Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July

Term 3

Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Term 4

Monday 13 October to Friday 12 December

Lesson Times

9.00 to 9:30 am Home Group

9:30 to 11:15 am Literacy Block

11:15 to 11:35 am Recess

11:35 to 12:55 pm Numeracy Block

1:00 to 1:35 pm Lunch

1:35 to 2:20 pm Lesson 6

2:20 to 3:00 pm Lesson 7

Bush Tucker Garden

Raukkan Schools is working in partnership with Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board, and the local rangers, to establish a bush tucker garden. We are partnering with Raukkan Community to provide healthy lunches for Community and will eventually be using ingredients from our own garden. This is an important part of our Health Curriculum focus – “eating for life”.

Rosheen Blumson from the Murraylands and Riverland Landscaping Board working with students

Slingsby Theatre Workshop at School

Slingsby Theatre came to Raukkan this term and did a workshop on shadow puppets. Students creativity was based on the themes:

  • Extinction of animals and plants 
  • Extreme weather events (bush fires, floods and droughts)
  • Pollution of our air and waterways

Podcasts and Videos

Raukkan School has been working with Adobe Creative Cloud to produce a video and some podcasts about Raukkan. Keep checking in to see more!

Our Classes

The school has 2 primary classes Junior Primary – Pondi Class and Middle Primary – Kungari Class.


Class teachers create a series of shared learning experiences to familiarise the children with the school classroom learning environment .

Child Parent Centre

The CPC incorporates Occasional Care, Aboriginal 3 year old preschool program, and 4 and 5 year old program.


Raukkan School was built in 1860 by Ngarrindjeri people with George Taplin.


Raukkan Aboriginal School is a public school for children from Reception through to Year 6.


Raukkan Aboriginal School is a community focussed school with parent participation encouraged.